Brittany Miranda
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ALARM, the independent music and arts publication, announces the release of its latest issue, with cover story on punk-fueled folk artist William Elliot Whitmore.
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CHICAGO, IL: (July 28, 2009) ALARM magazine, the eclectic, uncompromising, DIY music and arts publication, is thrilled to announce the release of its latest issue, ALARM 35. Presenting a plethora of unique voices from today’s thriving musical underground, ALARM 35 contains a mottled mix of punk, sludge metal, underground hip hop, African psych, noise, electronica, and more, with an inspirational cover story about punk-fueled, blues-driven folk singer William Elliot Whitmore.
“If we didn’t have to make ALARM, we wouldn’t,” says founder and editor-in-chief Chris Force. “If we could do this with constant 160-character blurbs, we would. But for better or worse, our no-class nation of nowhere has only music, art, bad clothes, cheap beer, and tattoos. If anything else worked, we would use it. We’re a resourceful bunch. We would mine it, refine it, and make it our own. But it doesn’t.”
ALARM 35 has tapped into that “nation of nowhere,” combing the worlds largest cities to the smallest of towns to find new sounds that spring from deep within the human psyche, or from the fusion of seemingly disparate genres such as dub and traditional Chinese instrumentation or post-punk with Indonesian-inspired percussion. The discovery is that though the songs may sound different, they might just come from a similar place after all.
ALARM 35 is the second edition in the publication’s newly adopted collector-quality book-style format, introduced in the spring of 2009 with the release of ALARM 34. The reaction to the new look, which maintains the magazine’s tradition of high-quality journalism and photography, has been incredibly positive.
In an era of rapid motion, tabloid-style news coverage, and the constant flitter of social networking sites, people are thirsting for media outlets that provide something real, permanent, and meaningful. ALARM provides that.
Yearly subscriptions to ALARM are offered for a special price of $30 at alarm-magazine.com.
Preview copies of ALARM 35 and interviews with founder and champion of independent music Chris Force and music editor Jamie Ludwig are available upon request.
Also in ALARM #35:
Minneapolis hard-hitting hip-hop artist P.O.S
Fever Ray’s provocative, far-reaching electronic/dub sounds
Double-drummer punk/metal hybrid Kylesa
Dan Deacon, DIY electronic-pop composer
Doom-metal pioneer Scott “Wino” Weinrich
Congolese street-music ensemble Staff Benda Bilili
Bob Log III’s twisted, helmet-clad guitar antics
Dark, atmospheric hip-hop duo Dälek
French electronic-rock guitarist Richard Pinhas, with Japanese noise legend Merzbow
Chicago design house Sonnenzimmer Studios
And much more…
About ALARM:
Publisher, editor and visual artist Chris Force began ALARM as a small, DIY publication in 1995. Today, ALARM magazine is a Chicago-based national music and arts magazine with roots and heart in DIY culture. Visit us online at: alarm-magazine.com
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