Tim Fite: Under the Table Tennis (5/18/10)
Tim Fite: “Someone Threw the Baby Out”
[audio:https://alarm-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Tim_Fite_Someone_Threw_the_Baby_Out.mp3|titles=Tim Fite: “Someone Threw the Baby Out”]
Multi-instrumentalist rapper/singer Tim Fite, who has been making unclassifiable collage-rock records for the past six years, uses his latest free digital album to deal directly with the recession, defaulted mortgage loans, inadequate healthcare, and bailouts.
Anyone familiar with Fite’s style will instantly recognize and appreciate Under the Table Tennis (another great title à la Over the Counter Culture), but new styles flash in and out of the melting pot — despondent Western motifs, French pop, reggae, and “crunk metal” akin to Otto Von Schirach. On top of its political and emotional relevance, the album is another fantastic patchwork of styles.